Pulse echo method (equipment and materials for education)

Article No. VK-10400

Ultrasonic echoscope GS200

High-resolution ultrasonic measurement system for ultrasonic measurements using single-element transducers,
Delivery includes manual, power cable, USB cable, software

Article No. VK-10410

Ultrasonic Echoscope GS200i

High-resolution ultrasonic measurement system based on the GS200 (article no. 10400) extended by an imaging module for ultrasonic measurements using single-element transducers and an ultrasonic array transducer, delivery includes ultrasonic array transducer, manual, power cable, USB cable, software

Article No. VK-10420

Ultrasound Test Phantom

Tissue-equivalent phantom including test structures for quality assurance and evaluation of the accuracy and performance of ultrasonic imaging systems

Article No. VK-10430

Ultrasound Fetal Phantom

Tissue-equivalent phantom including a fetus model for teaching basics of sonographic fetometrics and training of determining fetometric variables

Article No. VK-10224

Ultrasound Breast Model with Cysts

Realistic breast model with two fluid-filled, non-palpable cysts to carry out experiments on the subject of medical diagnostics (breast tumor diagnosis).For educational purposes only.

Article No. VK-10201

Test Block (transparent)

Test block made of homogeneous, transparent acrylic including several groups of differently sized defects for teaching basics of echoscopic investigationsod

Article No. VK-10204

Test Block (black)

Test block made of black opaque acrylic including several groups of differently sized defects for localization of non-visible defects

Article No. VK-10218

Shear Wave Set

Acrylic and aluminium samples with holder and sample reservoir for measuring angle-dependent transition from longitudinal to shear waves

Article No. VK-10220

Heart Model

Double container with movable membrane for simulation of cardiac wall and heart valves movements, suitable for examinations using the TM mode

Article No. VK-10222

Eye Phantom

Enlarged eye phantom to carry out experiments on the subject of medical diagnostics (ophthalmology).For educational purposes only.

Article No. VK-10233

Angle Beam Wedges 17°

Acrylic delay line with incidence angle to carry out experiments on the subject of non-destructive testing (angle beam testing)

Article No. VK-10234

Angle Beam Wedges 38°

Acrylic delay line with incidence angle to carry out experiments on the subject of non-destructive testing (angle beam testing)

Article No. VK-10235

Angle Beam Wedges 56°

Acrylic delay line with incidence angle to carry out experiments on the subject of non-destructive testing (angle beam testing)

Article No. VK-10242

Discontinuity Test Block

Aluminium test block with different reflector types for locating of discontinuities using techniques such as the echo, delta, tandem, transfer and angle techniques

Article No. VK-10351

Hydrophone Set for Echoscope (BNC)

Set including a hydrophone for connection to an echoscope, holders and sample reservoir to carry out experiments investigating ultrasound propagation phenomena and sound fields

Article No. VK-10300

Lamb Wave Set

Set including various Lamb wave combinations for investigating the frequency-dependent propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves in a thin glass plate (Lamb waves)

Article No. VK-10310

Tripod Set

Set including tripod, two solid bossheads and two universal clamps made of hard aluminium suitable for all holdings necessary for GAMPT experiments