Ultrasound in Medical Technology (BubbleCounter and THED)
Microbubble Detection and Bubble Size Measurement with the BubbleCounter BCF300
For the application of extracorporal circulation (ECC) during heart surgical interventions the detection and avoiding of microbubbles and micros embolisms become more and more important. In this range we would like to introduce our BubbleCounter products. In addition to medical applications, the devices can also be used to measure or monitor technical processes.
Areas of Application of the BubbleCounter
- Microbubble detection in flowing liquids
- Bubble size measurement in the area 10-2000 µm (BCF300) or 5-500 µm (BC100)
- acoustic representation of the number and size of the bubbles
- Particle detection
- Air management heart-lung-machine
BubbleCounter Clinical BCF300
Increase in patient safety through:
– online display of air bubble activity on the heart-lung machine
– training the OP-Teams
Thanks to clamp-on-sensors, no disposables are necessary.
The BubbleCounterFlowLab BCFL400 is the successor device of the BC100.
The laboratory device is used for the component development (e.g. filter), quality control in production and can also be used for technical-industrial processes.
- Why is gas embolism management of great importance for the patient?
- Uninterrupted monitoring
- Do mini-systems pose a higher embolism risk?
The use of extracorporeal circulation in surgical interventions on the heart is often associated with a considerable neurophysiological risk [Roach G.W. et.al.; N. Engl. J. Med. 1996; 335:1857-63]; [Walzer T. et.al.; J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 1997; 6: 644-48]. Microbubbles play a crucial role in this. It could be shown that transcranially detected microembolisms in the central cerebral artery are closely related to the concentration of microbubbles in the extracorporeal circulation and that these can be partly responsible for postoperative neurophysiological deficits. [Borger M.A. et.al.; J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 2001; 4: 743-49].
Precise monitoring of the formation and spread of microbubbles in the extracorporeal circulation is therefore essential in order to avoid their occurrence in the patient and to reduce the patient risk.
The continuous advance in perfusion technology, especially bypass systems miniaturization, is very demanding for safety functions. Our BubbleCounter can help to meet these demands. Next to the detection of size and volume of the micro bubbles the BubbleCounter are able to transform each embolism event into an acoustic signal. This provides an alarm function that clearly reduces the embolism risk by early detection of gas contamination.
Monitoring of air contamination is indispensable especially upon use of new, minimized systems, because de-airing effect is extremely limited by virtue of lacking reservoir. Use and benefit of new respectively additional components (e.g. venous bubble traps) can be objectively assessed and, thus, may result in cost savings.
Time harmonic elastography (THED)
Time harmonic elastography (THE®) for in vivo and non-invasive palpation of the heart in real time. The resulting elasticity markers identify diastolic dysfunction.
Time harmonic elastography to accurately detect liver fibrosis in large tissue windows.
High-end ultrasound system SonixTablet (Analogic Ultrasound) in combination with software and hardware for elastography. Highly innovative ultrasound research device for elastography based on B-mode guided motion estimation and time-harmonic waves caused by an actuator in bed form.
Further information: www.thelastography.com.
THED in the media
- In 2014 a movie broadcasted on television – MDR “Einfach genial”.
- Radio interview with Prof. Dr. Sack broadcasted in the program Forschung aktuell on February 19th 2018.
- In the journal “Mitteldeutsche Mitteilungen” (Ausgabe 1/2022) the THED of GAMPT is reported on the topic “Imaging techniques in medicine”.
Waiver of rights
The THED system of the company GAMPT mbH is a research device and is distributed exclusively for research applications. THED has no intended purpose in the sense of Directive 93/42/MDD for medical devices and does not meet the general requirements required therein. GAMPT accepts no responsibility if the THED system is used as an aid in the diagnosis of diseases.