Catalogues, Folders, Booklets
Higher Education
Catalogue Education - products, experiments, experimental setups
Comparison of Ultrasonic Echoscopes
Sets for experiments with ultrasound - overview (new 2021)
Experimental equipment for medical education
Product flyer Breast model with cysts
Product flyer Breast model with tumors
Product flyer Gallbladder model
Medical Technology (BubbleCounter)
Bubble Counter BCF300 - Brochure
Sound Field Instrumentation
HIFU Hydrophone - brochure
Membrane Hydrophone - brochure
3D-Soundfield-Scanner with Absorber - brochure
Thermo acoustic ultrasound sensor - brochure
Ultrasound Measurement Hydrophones and Test Devices - Overview
Manuals and directions for use
To select, please expand the grey bars. Various manuals are only available for download to registered users. (Login)
10400 / 10410 Ultrasonic Echoscope GS200 / GS200i
10121 Ultrasonic Echoscope
1013x, 1014x, 1015x Datasheet ultrasonic probes 1, 2 und 4 MHz
10202 Ultrasound reflection plates
10201 / 10204 Ultrasound test block
10210 Share wave set
10220 Utrasound heart model
10222 Eye phantom
10231 Rayleighwellenaufsatz (german version)
10232 Rayleighwellentestkörper (german version)
10233, 10234, 10235 Winkelvorlaufstrecken 17°, 38°, 56° (german version)
Adapter for probes (german)
Doppler ultrasound
50400 US-Doppler FlowDop200 v1.0.0
50100 Ultrasound-Pulse-Doppler FlowDop
50111, 50112, 50113 Doppler prism (1/4″, 3/8″, 1/2″)
50201 Tube set
50130 Centrifugal Pump MultiFlow
50160 Arm dummy
Safety Data Sheet for Doppler Liquid
ImageBoxSchool - User manual, short version
EchoBoxSchool - User manual, short version
EchoBoxSchool - User manual, long version
EchoSetSchool - User manual v1.0.0
Demonstration experiment – Ultrasound like in practice
Experiment 1 – Sound propagation in solids
Experiment 2 – Material-dependent sound propagation
Experiment 3 – From echo to sectional view
Experiment 4 – How does 3D Ultrasound work?
Bubble Counter
Sound Field Instrumentation
BCFL400 Manual (Vers. 2024-01)
Experiment instructions
To select, please expand the grey bars. Experiment instructions for registered customers only. (Login)
PHY01 Basics of pulse echo method (A-Scan)
PHY02 Sound velocity in solids
PHY03 Acoustic attenuation in solids
PHY04 Acoustic attenuation in liquids
PHY05 Spectral investigations
PHY06 Frequency dependence of resolution power
PHY07 Shear waves in solids
PHY08 Ultrasonic B-Scan
PHY09 Ultrasonic computer tomography (CT)
PHY10 Characteristics of Sound Field
PHY10 Hydrophone alignment
PHY11, PHY12, PHY17 Acousto-optical experiments
PHY11 and PHY12 Demo setup
PHY11 Debye sears effect
PHY12 Projection of standing waves
PHY13 Ultrasonic Doppler Effect
PHY15 Fluid mechanics
PHY16 Mechanical scan methods
PHY16 Mechanical guided B-scans using GS200
PHY17 Acousto optical modulation at standing waves
PHY17 Demo Setup
PHY19 Phase and group velocity
PHY20 Determination of focus zone
PHY20 Near field length calculations
PHY21 Reflection and transmission at boundaries
PHY23 Dispersion of ultrasonic waves (Lamb waves)
PHY23 Glas angle combinations
PHY23 Group velocities of lamb wave modes S0, A1 and S2 in glass (numerical solution)
PHY24 Instructions for using the multifrequency probe on the SC600
MED01 Ultrasonic TM-mode (echocardiography)
MED01 Setup
MED02 Ultrasonic imaging at breast phantom (mammasonography) for GAMPT-Scan
MED02 Setup for GS200
MED03 Basics of Doppler sonography
MED03 Demo Setup
MED04 Biometry at the eye phantom for GAMPT Scan
MED04 Setup for GS200
MED05 Vascular ultrasound (angiology)
MED06 Peripheral Doppler blood pressure measurement
MED07 Ultrasound test phantom
MED08 Ultraschall-Fetus-Phantom (german)
MED09 Mammasonografie (german)
MED10 Ultraschall der Gallenblase (german)
IND01 Non-destructive testing (NDT)
IND02 Detection of cracks with Rayleigh waves for GS200
IND02 Rissprüfung mit Rayleighwellen für GAMPT-Scan (german)
IND03 Level measurement
IND04 Concentration measurement with resonance cell
IND05 Doppler flow measurement
IND06 Angle beam testing
IND07 Crack depth determination (TOFD)
IND08 Detection of discontinuities
IND09 Transit-Time-Durchflussmessung (Ultraschall-Laufzeitverfahren) (german)
To select, please expand the grey bars. Various software-downloads for registered users only. (Login)
NOTE: In general a backup of your files and data is recommended before every installation or update.
Please use administrator rights to install the software.
Software für Ultraschallechoskope (GS200 und GS200i, Gi210, GAMPT-Scan)
GS200 und GS200i: DLL for controlling GS200
Gi210: Setup GS-ImageView (Version / 2020)
GAMPT-Scan (with CT-Software): Setup AScan (Version 3.4.5 / 5.02.2014)
Software for Ultrasound Puls Doppler FlowDop200 and FlowDop
Software for EchoBoxSchool of the EchoSet and ImageBoxSchool of the ImageSet
Software for Bubble Counter
BCC300: Software with simulation
BC100 and BCC200: Installation with USB and database driver – Install BCView
BC100 and BCC200: Installation without USB and database driver – Setup BCView
Controller DLL for XYZ-Scanner - for registered users only (Version 2.1 / 16.02.2018)
USB Driver - for registered users only
USB-driver ( – manual installation (zip)