Sound field measurement technology – Setup and adjustment of an arrangement for the analysis of ultrasonic field quantities

Sound Field Instrumentation and Sound Field Measurement

The knowledge of sound field characteristics like the distribution or intensity becomes more and more important, not only for the quality management and control of medical devices, but also for the development of sensors and probes for industrial applications.
In cooperation with the National Metrology Institute of Germany, the PTB Braunschweig, we developed different hydrophone models and ultrasonic sensors for the Sound Field Measurement over the last years. Beside these sensors we also offer a 3D scanner and further matching accessories.


Products for Sound Field Measurement

Hydrophones and TAS

Hydrophones, HIFU, Thermoacoustic Sensor

Soundfield Equipment

Equipment for Sound filed measurement
3D Sound Field Scanner, Holder, Absorber

Rotary positioner

Rotary positioner
and Accesories

Service Schallfeldvemessung

Sound Field Measurement Service
Calibration und Tainings