Article No. VK-10235
Angle Beam Wedges 56°
Acrylic delay line with incidence angle to carry out experiments on the subject of non-destructive testing (angle beam testing)
Angle beam testing is one of the most important processes in non-destructive testing with ultrasound. The refraction angle for the longitudinal wave and the shear wave results from the sound velocity of the delay line and of the test material in accordance with the refraction law. The delay line is suitable for tests in transmission, reflection and in case of the use of 2 delay lines as a transmitter-receiver (TR) probe, also known as dual-element probe. The angle beam wedges can be used with GAMPT’s normal probes (1 MHz, 2 MHz und 4 MHz).
Material: acrylic
Sound velocity in acrylic: ≈ 2700 (longitudinal)
Angle of incidence (delay line): 56°
Refraction angle in aluminiumshear wave (≈ 3100 m/s): 72°
longitudinal wave (≈ 6400 m/s): –°
IND06 | Angle beam testing |
IND07 | Crack depth determination (TOFD) |
IND08 | Detection of discontinuities |
10233, 10234, 10235 Winkelvorlaufstrecken 17°, 38°, 56° (german version)
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