News 2018 en

Worlddidac Bern 2018

We will also be back in 2018 – at the Worlddidac in Bern. You will find us in hall 2.2 at booth G19.

Minister visits GAMPT

Today we welcomed Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann, the Minister of Economic Affairs of Saxony-Anhalt, at our company.


Interest in the “Select MINT” project continues and so we were able to welcome another group of young women to GAMPT mbH on March 2, 2018.

THED on radio Deutschlandfunk

On February 19th 2018 the German radio station “Deutschlandfunk” broadcasted an interview with Prof. Dr. Sack in the program “Forschung aktuell” about our THED-System.


On Friday, January 26, 2018, we did welcome some young ladies who came to us as part of the “Select MINT” Project.

Innovationsassistent Marketing

Im Rahmen des Programmes zur Beschäftigung von Innovationsassistenten im Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Innovationsassistenten­förderung) beschäftigen wir zur Zeit eine Mitarbeiterin in unserem Projekt “Strategisches Marketing zur Erschließung neuer Märkte und Geschäftsfelder”.